
Paul Merino – Executive Flow Advisor


Consulting Management Engineer, specialized in Management by Flow:
Supply Chain Management, Dilemma Resolution, Strategic Navigation.


Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM1) by American Association for Operations Management (APICS),
Certified Demand Driven Planner (CDDP) by International Supply Chain Education Alliance (ISCEA),
Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP) by Demand Driven Institute (DDI),
Certified Master in Logical Thinking Process (LTP) by H. W. Dettmer (Goal Systems International).


French, English, Spanish, Portuguese.


Natural Movement,
Locavore Chef,
Provence Olive Tree Pruning.


Born in Lima, Peru in 1970. Native from the Quechua Wankas tribe – known for their contagious leadership, organizational genius and fierce resistance against the Inca empire – and grandson of Argentinian industrialists, Paul MERINO inherits from his trilingual parents a broadened European, American and Latin culture.

Business Education

A gifted pupil of the American School of Paris, Gerson and École Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel, he lands a teen job to support his mother and starts his career as a professional proofreader. He rapidly evolves towards business people assistance, professional events and public relations, persistently shifting over 15 years of technology.


At the end of the 20th century, his attention to detail defines him as a Consulting Engineer, designing and crafting enterprise solutions for large international accounts. Decades of experience which he sums up in a methodological essay: The Merino’s Eye – How to Turn Knowledge into Energy, where he defines the concept of ‘Doorways’ as a Universal, Non-Monetary Measure of Value.


In 2005 he is inducted into the Triple Nine Society for his +3.33 sigma cognitive level. A firsthand witness of organizational stress, he begins promoting the reintroduction of our human species into nature as a genuine source of happiness.


In 2010 his exploration leads him to Koh Lanta for a private, 5-week barefoot training into the jungle. Relayed by Paris Match senior reporters, television media and Getty Images, the adventure ignites in French-speaking countries a drive towards the ancestral lifestyle, at the forefront of preventive medicine. He then founds the @PaleoFast international movement on social networks.


In 2012 he co-organizes within 3 days the first Paleo symposium of the south-american continent, hosted by the largest university of biology in Latin America. This is the founding event of the @PaleoPeru movement, which promotes the revival of the traditional lifestyle of the Andean peoples (‘El Buen Vivir’), drawing out lessons in terms of life balance in a growth economy. The same year he co-founds the @PaleoLux movement in Europe.


A valued lecturer for his genuineness and open-mindedness, Paul is a certified expert in New Technologies of Planning and Execution (NTPE), which he adapts with rigor and dedication to the benefit of his executive clients, in charge of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS).


His goal is to remove the prevailing profit limitation of the modern enterprise, by assisting its managers along their transition from the world of Cost towards the world of Flow.


Mindful about the scarcity of Management Attention in any organization, he attends the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), where he gets intensively trained in Executive Coaching by Lt. Col. Bill Dettmer (USAF, Ret.), a former Cold War B52 pilot.


In a world ever more Variable, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA), Paul knows how to make creative solutions emerge from your emotions, intuition and logic alike. His conversational style borrows from the Socratic method and the Logical Thinking Process, releasing unique aphorisms to widen the range of possibilities.


Educated by Steve Tendon and instructed by Daniel Doiron – the world’s foremost experts in Agile for Knowledge Work – Paul is the 1st French (and Latin American) Certified TameFlow Kanban Trainer (CTT), teaching worldwide in conjunction with the international CTT network.


Equally at ease in corporate corridors and shopfloors, considerate and watchful during your journeys, this natural athlete is skillful about the best biomechanical, nutritional and decision-making approaches, to better support you with effectiveness and serenity, as your Executive Flow Advisor.

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